Aurora, CO  80047
(303)  696-2657

Here are a list of resources if you are experiencing any mental health, homelessness, counseling for marriage or couples, or anything you may be facing.  There is always hope and help.

211 - Number to call for rental and utilities help - helps youth with financial literacy resources

303-617-2300 - Aurora Mental Health
988 - Suicide and Crises Hotline
844-493-8255 - WellPower Colorado Crisis Services

720-377-1313 Catholic Charities - Rental and Utility Assistance
720-944-4347 - Food Stamps, Medicaid, Financial Assistance Programs (Denver County)
303-636-1170 - Food Stamps, Medicaid, Financial Assistance Programs (Arapahoe County) - City of Aurora rental and utility assistance

Union Baptist Church - Offers spiritual, marital and other counseling needs.  Spiritual Growth
4801 Martin Luther King Blvd, Denver, CO

Call Trinity Services Foundation for more options 303-696-2657
